Kiev to Kharkov by train or bus

Getting from Kiev to Kharkov by Coach or Train

Bus connections from Kiev airport

You need this page for information on how to get a flight from Kiev to Kharkov. However, to save on costs it is possible to reach Kharkov by bus which departs from Kiev Borispol Airport six times per day. Timetables and costs for the Autolux Bus Company are detailed below:

#202 departs 08.00 arrives 14.40
#654 departs 11.40 arrives 18.35
#384 departs 12.40 arrives 19.40
#56 departs 15.55 arrives 22.44
#514 departs 17.35 arrives 00.55
#478 departs 23.00 arrives 06.05

PLEASE NOTE: You should check the above timetable on the official Autolux website in case they have changed the timetable!

Cost of bus tickets

Tickets currently cost 150UAH (£10.20) +booking fee and can be booked by calling the office at Kiev Borispol Airport terminal B on +38 044 230 00 71 the Kiev central office here: +38 044 536 00 55 or by online booking here. You just need to print your online ticket and take it to the booking office inside terminal B (far left corner of terminal B) and swap it for your bus boarding pass.
The final destination is Kharkov bus station.

Kiev to Kharkov by train

Like the bus this is another cheap option, although there isn’t a train station at Kiev Borispol Airport so you first have to travel into the city and catch a train from the main station.

How to get from Kiev airport to the train station

Option 1 is the easiest, just jump into a taxi and pay approx 130-150UAH (£10.50 -12.50) best to confirm the price before you get into the taxi or it will cost alot more.

Option 2 is go by marshrutka (people carrier) it costs about 40UAH although the train station is not the first stop so don’t get out until you are sure you are at the train station 🙂

Option 3 is to get the public bus which leaves frequently from outside the main terminal, more info can be found on the Kiev Borispol Airport website.

The train station is a popular destination for arrivals at Kiev Airport so you shouldn’t have too many difficulties getting there.

After you have made your way to Kiev train station

Train times from Kiev to Kharkov during 2010 are listed below:

Depart 06.33 Arrive 12.28 Duration 5.55 Train number 164
Depart 17.30 Arrive 23.20 Duration 5.50 Train number 162
Night train – Depart 22.25 Arrive 06.21 Duration 7.56 Train number 064
Please note that there are other trains which stop at Kharkov, those listed above are direct trains and usually the fastest.

When booking a train ticket you will be given a seat and coach number.

The timetable for Ukrainian and Russian train journeys can be found here – please note that Kharkov is spelt Harkov on the English language version of this site.

Where to buy tickets

Train tickets can be purchased from the kiosk at Kiev train station but you will need to show your passport as proof of identification.

The route from Kiev to Kharkov tends to be very popular so you may need to book your tickets in advance. It should be possible to book your tickets online and pay/collect them from the ticket office at either Kiev Borispol Airport or at the station kiosk (never done this so please don’t quote me). Online bookings can be made here e-kvytok. If collecting the tickets then make sure you have checked the opening hours of the kiosk:
Train station – 7.00-19.00 (lunch 13.00-13.30)
Airport – 8.00 – 18.30 (Lunch 13.00 – 14.00) Sun. 8.00 – 19.00

Pros and cons of each

Below is an explaination of each travel method:

Taxi is by far the most expensive way to travel from Kiev to Kharkov and takes 6 hours but with the condition of Ukrainian roads, it will not be the most comfortable journey.

Catching a connecting flight from Kiev is an option but is quite expensive and does involve the usual waiting around at the airport. Check out our Kiev airport guide for more information on flights.

Buses/coaches travel frequently from outside Kiev Borispol airport, they are cheap and reliable but the journey takes 7-8 hours.

Train travel is the cheapest of all the options but you first have to get from the airport to the train station. if buying a ticket on an overnight train then you will have a choice of either a 2 berth or 4 berth compartment.