Learn the Russian Language

To the right of the page you can find the Michel Thomas Russian Foundation CD course adapted by Nastasha Bershadski, it is available to buy from Amazon.This a very good introduction to the Russian language and starts at the most basic level. The teacher assumes you know nothing about the language

The course contains eight CDs and a booklet with translations of the content. There are three voices on the CD, that of the teacher who is a native speaker and those of two students who are learning Russian for the first time.

Here you can read a more detailed review of the Michel Thomas Russian CD program which contains the Foundation, Advanced and Vocabulary courses.

Pimsleur Russian

Another popular product is the Pimsleur Russian all CD course which you can find here.

The course is completely different from the Michel Thomas method. With Pimsleur there is little explanation of the grammar rules, instead the program uses repetition and anticipation to teach the language. This is great for those who looking to learn phrases and popular words quickly.

There are three levels to the course, starting a very basic level and gradually moving to more complex sentences.


One of the best books for learning and understanding Russian verbs is the The Big Silver Book of 555 Verbs

This is one of those books that is suitable for both beginner and advanced students of the langauge.

Each verb is broken down and the first 50 are given detailed explanations which can be applied to other verbs.

For those who are at a more advanced level in their Russian learning should also consider purchasing the The Oxford Russian Grammar and Verbs (Dictionary)